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College Now Scholarship

College Now Scholarship 2025
Deadline: Friday, March 28th by 12 PM 
Submit to Ms. Romo or Mrs. Mosqueda in Counseling Office
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for students in grades 9th-11th earning college credit during high school.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships can range between $200-$1000. Scholarship winners will not be announced until the Scholarship Ceremony on May 8, 2025 (Date subject to change). You will be notified if you are a recipient of any of the scholarships one week prior to the ceremony. PLEASE MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO ATTEND.
Scholarship Eligibility: Must be a current Turner High School and Dual Credit student at ACC for the next school year 2025-2026.
Application Requirements: (Must be submitted in the following order).
  1. Read and Sign this application (see attached).
  2. Provide one unofficial transcript (transcript can be printed from the student portfolio in Skyward Family Access).
  3. Provide one-page resume Typed. A resume should list your academic honors, high school activities, volunteer and community service, work experience, and personal leadership evidence.
  4. Write the required essay. Typed essay minimum of 500 words detailing why you need the financial assistance (must include what pathway you are interested in and future goals after high school; format should be doubled-spaced, times New Roman, font size 12). Give emphasis to why the scholarship would be beneficial to you financially.

College Now Scholarship Application